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Use and underground storage of CO2

Within the framework of the Sino-German cooperation group, high-level cooperation and exchange is carried out with various scientists from both countries. The resources, information and results of the research can be shared. The following cooperative research will be carried out in the following areas of interest to both sides:

  • More accurate estimates of storage potentials considering different economic scenarios, safety standards, spatial distribution of main emitters and storage facilities in China and Germany.
  • Which of the storage options, aquifers, coal seams or oil and gas fields, are best suited forCO2 storage, taking into account availability, environmental compatibility, safety, impermeability and economic viability?
  • Assessment of the main risk and environmental impact - possible leakage ofCO2 from a storage site with potential local and global environmental impact. When carbon dioxide is stored at great depths, aggressive carbonic acid is formed in contact with water. The carbonic acid itself is quite capable of causing gradual damage. A sudden release of the stored carbon dioxide would be far more dangerous than its gradual outgassing. This would result in highCO2 concentrations being reached in a short time, which would have a suffocating effect.
  • Reservoir simulation with consideration of thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical interactions (THMC coupled simulations)
  • Further activities in this field are dedicated to the maximum storage pressure, the compatibility and long-term safety ofCO2 storage in geological formations and liability issues.
  • Similarities and differences between EGR and EOR.