Sino-German-Conference 2015
4th Sino-German Energy Conference, 29th - 31st 2015, in Chengdu, PR China.
Call for Papers: the 4th International Sino-German Energy Conference 2015, 29-31 May 2015, in Chengdu, PR China
Sino-German Conference 2015 invites interested parties from academia, industry and government authorities to contribute, discuss and present scientific papers and new technologies on the theme “Clean Energy Systems in the Subsurface and CCUS: Energy Production, Storage and Conversion”. You are requested to submit your abstract/s and full paper/s on e-mail address until the 31st May and 31st August 2014, respectively. In this regard, we intend publish two volumes in form of thematic issues with the ISI journal Environmental Earth Sciences:
• The first volume will be published as a thematic issue “Unconventional Natural Gas”, with 50 contributions in the field of unconventional Gas including coal bed methane, tight and shale gas and compressed H2. The volume will comprise 25 contributions from China and another 25 from global sources.
• The second volume will also be a thematic issue “Underground Energy Systems” with 50 journal articles as a contribution to the forthcoming 4th Sino-German conference 2015, of which China will have 20 contributions and 30 will come from global sources. A range of topics will be accepted in this issue as long as they are appropriate to the conference theme “Clean Energy Systems in the Subsurface and CCUS: Energy Production, Storage and Conversion”.
Below is a summary of the important dates and deadlines for the conference:
• 31 May 2014: Deadline for Titles/abstracts
• 16 June 2014: Decision on accepted abstracts
• 31 August 2014: Submission of full papers of accepted abstracts
• 1 Sept - 31 Nov 2014: Preview of full papers
• 22 Dec 2014: full papers with corrections based on previews finalized and submitted online to the ISI/SCI Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences by the authors
• 28 Feb 2015: Peer-review and correction finished
• 10 April 2015: Online publication of successful papers
• 30 April 2015: Printed thematic issue “Clean Energy Systems in the Subsurface and CCUS: Energy Production, Storage and Conversion” for conference participants
• 29 May 2015: Conference participants will each obtain a copy of the thematic issue at the conference in Chengdu.
A full programme is under way to be released soon online.
Conference Chairman:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Z. Hou (TU Clausthal, Germany)
Prof. Dr. h.c. Dr.-Ing. XIE Heping (Sichuan University, China)
Conference Coordinators:
Dr. Patrick Were (Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Hongwei Zhou (China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, China)